26 March 2024: Reception to promote "Sado Island Gold Mines"
On 26 March, a reception was organized at the Japan Cultural Institute in Paris (MCJP), in the presence of Mr HANAZUMI Hideyo, Governor of Niigata Prefecture, and Mr WATANABE Ryugo, Mayor of Sado City, inviting the representatives of the World Heritage Committee Members, to introduce them the "Sado Island Gold Mines", a property nominated by Japan for this year’s inscription on the World Heritage List. During the reception, Governor of Niigata and Mayor of Sado City gave a presentation on the property as well as the charms of Sado Island, including ondeko (demon drumming).
The Permanent Delegation of Japan to UNESCO will continue to promote the "Sado Island Gold Mines" for its inscription on the World Heritage List.
The Permanent Delegation of Japan to UNESCO will continue to promote the "Sado Island Gold Mines" for its inscription on the World Heritage List.